Thursday, March 23

been awhile since i've posted. which i like. out of pt i know.

can't realli think of what to say so i'll just type and see wat comes out.

commissioning didn't seem as high as i thought it would be. until i tossed the cap. elation! truly, all the 8+ months of training came to fruition i suppose. now, my life's journey continues at tuas naval base. doing mainly paperwork i believe. not tt i mind it. it'll be an interesting learning experience yet again because itz so different from what i learnt in ocs.

i like to struggle. because i grow most then. i hate myself for giving up so easily sometimes. the easy way out's always tempting but no matter what day, what mood, i must force myself to struggle. frustration... ugh. at myself. which is the worst.

most of the time, we find somebody, something, to push the blame to. actually, we are always partly to blame. and we can do something bout it.

hmm... enough random thoughts for the day. look forward to my next long-awaited post. lol.